Special Events & Festivals

community relations

The purpose of a community relations program prior to and during the special event is to minimize impacts and unforeseen incidents by working closely with stakeholders within the community, to ensure that their issues and concerns are addressed. Keeping the public, elected officials, major stakeholders and the media apprised of the festival’s schedule and progress is a key component of our outreach effort.

Sitting authorities, permitting agencies, and local governments are increasingly insisting that community stakeholders have a more active voice in the planning and execution of special events and festivals. At the same time, the communication explosion powered by the internet and social media is empowering the public at large to influence, oppose, or support festivals in ways like never before.


Engaging and Building Relationships

Public involvement and outreach at Treeline goes beyond press releases and open houses. Our goal is to engage the full range of event stakeholders early, often, and throughout the festival experience.

But who are event stakeholders? They’re anyone either affected by, or with influence over, the festival. They can be property owners, community residents, neighbors, elected officials, civic leaders, government agencies, business owners, or neighborhood association members. The success of your event is dependent on how well your team builds, maintains, and manages relationships with the public at large and the specific event stakeholders throughout the festival timeline (announcement, load-in, build, event performances and load-out).


Community Relations Staff

Treeline’s staff is committed to addressing the needs of the community. They are the link between stakeholders, organizers, promoters, and elected officials as it relates to the festival and are committed to providing proactive solutions to address event-related issues and concerns.

event response

Response units will be sent to all community complaints requesting contact with festival management. Responders will handle noise complaints, nuisance calls, and such incidents that can be mitigated without calling upon local resources. Response units will actively address those issues that would usually take up police and local resources. By reducing those calls for service, festival organizers are better able to reduce and negotiate costs related to local police staffing levels.

plotting & mapping

For each report received, notes and incident resolution are entered into a database where the location is plotted and mapped to determine future allocation of resources and outreach.


Treeline provides all documentation, graphs, and reports to festival organizers for future needs and pre-planning for the festival’s return.

information & hotline

During business hours, Treeline staff are available to respond to inquiries via phone and email. For situations that arise after hours, Treeline has established a 24-hour hotline where emergencies and complaints can be called in immediately. An on-call community relations representative monitors the hotline at all times, which allows the caller to receive personalized attention and have concerns addressed immediately.

event updates

It is the goal of Treeline’s team to establish positive relations within the impacted communities in an effort to be a good neighbor, ultimately a neighbor that is invited back. Treeline staff meets regularly with stakeholders to provide updates on event progress and build-out activities. Dates and locations of upcoming meetings, job fairs, and outreach will be posted on the event website.

job fairs

It is the goal of Treeline to help establish a meaningful impact within the community by spearheading local job fairs, and hiring for positions such as: security, hosts, concessionaires, and volunteers.

noise & sound assessment

When the noise of your festival may upset your neighbors, you need the quiet experts from Treeline. Sound assessment studies are becoming an important part of the event process. They demonstrate compliance with regulations and ordinances. Treeline frequently performs noise-monitoring surveys to determine ambient and operational noise levels before and during festivals. Noise studies are fast becoming the industry standard and are often required for environmental assessments, zoning compliance, and other regulations.


Our response units use top-of-the-line instrumentation to precisely evaluate and analyze noise emitted from festivals and normal day-to-day activities. From there, we can determine the impact of noise levels and recommend a variety of abatement options.

quality assurance

Treeline builds each component of our Community Relations Program to the tailored needs of each individual festival. Treeline staff works with festival organizers first to build a consensus, then a functional program is developed within cost guidelines. A transparent program is implemented for the event. Finally, an after-action report is generated with recommendations and benchmark practices for future events.

Contact Us

Interested in hiring us for our security services?

Please fill out our contact form and we’ll have one of our team members contact you to find out your specific needs and how we can help.